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Terns & Black Skimmer

Royal Terns copulation in fog, April, FL

Least Tern, nonbreeding, Sep, TX.tif

Royal Tern courtship dance, FL, April 20

Royal Tern blur 2, FL, April 2017.jpg

Royal Tern bill color for print.jpg

Roseate Tern, nonbreeding - Bird # 1.jpg

Roseate Tern, ad breeding, NJ, June.jpg

Least Tern w chick, NJ, June 2016 rework

Least Tern, juv, NY, Aug.jpg

Least Tern, nonbr flight, TX, Sept.jpg

Least Tern, ad flite, TX, Ap.jpg

Least Tern w chick, Stone Harbor NJ, Jun

Least Tern courtship, TX, April.jpg

Gull-billed Tern, juv-1st winter, NY, Au

Forster's Tern rising from water, TX, Ap

Gull-billed Tern, adult pair courtship d

Gull-billed Tern, adult br, TX, Apr.jpg

Gull-billed Tern, ad nonbr, TX, Sep.jpg

Common Terns displaying, NJ, July.jpg

Common Tern, juvenile, Sept 2012.jpg

Common Tern w chick, Stone Harbor, NJ, J

Black Tern br w chicks, BC, June.jpg

Black Tern adult flight, BC, July.jpg

Black Tern, British Columbia, june.jpg

Black Tern juvenile, Texas, Sept.jpg
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