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Medium Sandpipers

Red Knot, Reeds Beach, Cape May County N

Wandering Tattler, breeding, AK, May 201

Dunline, juv molting to 1st winter, NJ,

Buff-breasted Sandpiper, juv, Sep, NY, l

Buff-breasted Sandpiper for HMH

Buff-breasted Sandpiper, dbl wing courts

Wilson's Snipe near breeding site.jpg

Wandering Tattler, juvenile, Nov, CA.jpg

Surfbirds breeding, AK, May.jpg

Surfbird, mostly breeding.jpg

Surfbird breeding flt, AK, May.jpg

Red Knot, Feb, NJ 2015.jpg

Red Knot, breeding, Kimball's Beach NJ,

Amer Woodcock, NJ, Jan.jpg

Am Woodcock feeding, Jan, NJ.jpg

Am Woodcock in snow Jan NJ.jpg

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