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Talks & Keynotes
Kevin's talks, programs, workshops and seminars are ideal for monthly meetings, annual keynotes, birding symposiums, and bird/nature/photo festivals.
![]() VisionsVisions: Earth's Elements in Bird and Nature Photography shares images that reflect the personal visions of nature by eleven contributing photographers as seen through the camera lens. The unique theme and musical interludes in this program will capture your fancy and take you on a riveting visual ride through the world of birds and nature. | ![]() Birds on the WindNothing is more fascinating in the avian world than migratory movements of birds. From 20,000-mile annual journeys of Arctic Terns to 1,200-mile non-stop flights of Blackpoll Warblers, there are still many unanswered questions concerning the “how, why, where and when” of bird migration. Join Kevin as he shares a pictorial exploration of the "magic of migration". | ![]() Cape May through the Looking GlassCape May consistently provides birders with unforgettable avian migratory spectacles as well as numerous rare bird sightings. In fact, many believe there is truly something magical about this special place. Seen through the eyes of a resident, Cape May and surrounding areas are explored in this light-hearted natural history presentation. From the birds, butterflies and other natural creatures that create this mystique to the personalities of birders who weave the tales. | ![]() Birding by ImpressionThis interactive program shares a new approach to field ID that encourages birders to assess the physical features and behavior of birds before adding plumage details and feather patterns to reach a more holistic ID picture. After reviewing the principles of Birding by Impression, the audience will try to spot differences between similar species and reach an ID conclusion using comparative photos and ID tips from the book. The beauty and effectiveness of this approach lies in its simplicity. |
![]() Alaska: The Last FrontierThis entertaining program offers a whirlwind journey from the scenic coastlines and mountains of the Kenai Peninsula to the barren expanse of Alaska’s Arctic Coastal Tundra. Birds are the highlight of this show, but beautiful scenes and other wildlife images are included. | ![]() Shorebirds: Amazing Global WanderersShorebirds are among the most visible members of the bird kingdom. Besides being champions of long-distance migration, the unique arctic breeding behavior of many shorebirds is incompletely known. Selected species are highlighted as Kevin discusses interesting aspects of their natural history and traces movements from breeding to wintering areas. |
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